Who is Manoj?

A proud resident of Vancouver Fraserview-South Burnaby, Manoj Bhangu is a dedicated advocate and community builder with a deep commitment to service and hard work.

This community is where he and his wife raised their three children, and he knows firsthand what makes this community special - its diversity, interconnected cultures, and the range of voices that deserve fair, honest representation. 

Manoj also sees the struggles his neighbors face; rising violent crime, housing shortages, inaccessible healthcare, and skyrocketing grocery bills. That’s why he’s fighting for stronger public healthcare, affordable housing, safer streets, and better working conditions.

✔ He stands with small businesses, workers, and vulnerable communities to ensure they get the essential support they deserve.

✔ He believes in better workplaces & safer streets for everyone - because secure neighbourhoods make stronger, healthier communities for people to live, work, and enjoy.

✔ He recognizes the lack of planning and leadership from previous Federal governments, which has lead to unaffordable housing, overcrowded public transportation, and long-wait times at hospitals. 

We need more investments in the services people depend on; not cuts.

As a small-business owner and an engaged community advocate, Manoj understands the challenges we’re facing with the current economic and social insecurity. Manoj actively organizes and participates in local events with the business community and beyond, to build strong connections and empower his neighbours in Vancouver Fraserview-South Burnaby.

Manoj has a proven record of standing up for workers, and understands the value of perseverance to create meaningful change in his community. As an elected Director on the Board of Black Top Cabs for six years, he fought for better representation and improved working conditions. He is the founder of Young Drivers, a driving school that helps equip new drivers with the practice, skills, and confidence they need to keep themselves and other road users safe on the road.

He heard the voices of his coworkers, and fought their rights - to build an environment free of violence and hatred.

He stands up to bullies, and he’ll stand up for you.

He proudly supports the NDP, a party with a proven track record of securing and expanding essential programs. The NDP fought back against years of Liberal inaction, helping to bring free dental care to millions through the Canadian Dental Care Plan and laying the groundwork for a national pharmacare program to make essential, life-saving medications accessible for all.

While Conservatives push for cuts, the NDP remains committed to protecting public healthcare, implementing new housing initiatives, fighting against corporate grocery giants, and building sustainable job programs - ensuring that every Canadian has the tools to succeed and thrive.

As firm believer in unity and collective action, Manoj is running as the NDP candidate for Vancouver Fraserview-South Burnaby to ensure every voice is heard and represented in Ottawa. 

He may not be a professional political - but he’s a leader by action.